My recent IFUB post in case of deletion...
Treaty's operations took a major step forward today with the perforating of Mitchell #3 and here what in store for the next 12 hours. After that Mitchell #3 will be online and producing...
Treaty will know the outcome of Mitchell #3 within 12 hours.
Many around here have stated, 1 to 2 bpd. I don't think so...LMAO
Mitchell #4 is drilling at a fever pitch with Gilbert keeping the bit turning. 2610 ft and Pounding...
The BK filing....ROTFLMAO X 10.....
I can only hope the documents are real. This is about worst case of Bad Faith, I've ever seen. I hope it wasn't J Nunnery that filed this petition.....
First of all, there is a procedural error in filing this petition.
The claimants here would first have to remedy in state court unless there was a clear case of fraud. That means, arrested and convicted. Nothing even close to that has occurred.
Case of the stolen rig is quite ominous. One would think the police and state agencies would be involved on a report of stolen property of a million bucks. To date I've seen nothing but documents which show legal possession by Treaty buying the rig at an auction. The said claimant is known to forge government documents. I wouldn't want to be that fellow standing in front of a Federal Judge, swearing, "that rigs mine"....LMAO
Lets move to the Penny stock buyer. He wants his money back. Everybody who's lost on any stock wants there money back. Unless you can prove fraud and there is a conviction, and the company has the money to pay all the shareholders. It's just not going to happen. Forcing a company to BK is to get your money back is just about the dumbest way to proceed. What most shareholders have done, is averaged down.
There could be a real claimant, I don't know the rest.
I know some of the Federal Judges down at Hale Boggs building. These Judges are top notch, fair and distinguished individuals. There is no BS that happens there. The most likely outcome for that filing, should Nunnery be the attorney of record, is Nunnery gets 3 days in jail.