It has been brought to our attention that Leo has forged an agreement with Dana Farber on future news releases as long as he stays within the agreed format.He will now release news in "Plain English".This has been agreed to because shareholders always look for "Science-Speak" so they can read between the lines and will never notice the actual news now being in plain English.Medical professionals and researchers can't understand "plain English" anyway so they won't catch on and bug Dana Farber with phone calls.
Leo has also disclosed that the signing of the sale documents of CTIX to Pfizer for a bazillion dollars will take place at the children's cancer center.Leo will be wearing the Muppet's "Swedish Chef" costume and while signing will be saying "Sqveeze the fishey,sqveeze the fishey".
Dana Farber has also informed us that they are reassigning the room in their new Psych wing that was being held for the Gov,and they are adding it to Andrew's room so he now has a suite to provide more room for his "chew toys".
They did this upon learning that the Gov credits someone called Kelt with "veracity" and feel she has now come to her senses.