$GLDN .013 News out Gold Dynamics (GLDN) Corporate Update
TORONTO, May 8, 2013 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Gold Dynamics Corp. (GLDN) (OTCBB:GLDN)(OTCQB:GLDN) (http://www.golddynamics.com) is pleased to announce it will move on to the next phase of the property development including adding a professional geologist to our advisory team.
The upcoming year will build on the exploration work that was commenced during 2011-12.The company will further analyze results of the VTEM Survey and soil samples to attain better understanding of the location and mineralization of structures in the property. Early indications show extensive mineralized targets in the eastern portions and also a mineralized trend from the southeast to the northwest of the property at approximate depths of 200 meters.
Our short-term focus is to further explore and analyze the current data on the target zones identified so we can prepare for an accurate drilling program.
The Hoyle North Property is a 32 claim land package situated approximately 18 km northeast of Timmins, Ontario, Canada; an area that is world renowned as a heavily mineralized area with many active mines in operation, and, where as much as 85 million ounces of gold has been mined historically. Our property is contiguous to Goldcorp's Porcupine gold producing camp (which has produced more than 66 million ounces of gold since production began) and is within 2 kilometers of multi-million ounce gold deposits.