$GLDN Hoyle North project!!!
In March 2012, Gold Dynamics Corp. acquired by option the Hoyle North property in the prolific Timmins gold mining camp. The property consists of 32 claim units which represent approximately 12 square kilometers. Gold Dynamics Corp. will acquire 100% of the property for cash payments over 3 years amounting to $95, 000.00 and work expenditures totalling $110, 000.00 with a 2% NSR granted to the vendors. The property is located near the west end of the Neo- Archean Abitibi greenstone belt, approximately 18 km northeast of Timmins, Ontario, Canada and 6 kilometres north of the Porcupine-Destor fault. The area of acquisition is world renowned as a heavily mineralized area with many active mines where as much as 85 million ounces of gold have been mined historically.
The Hoyle North property is contiguous to Goldcorp’s Hoyle Pond mine and is within short distances to significant resources such as Owl Creek and Bell Creek. The Hoyle North property remains relatively unexplored near to expansive mining and exploration efforts by significant companies such as, Goldcorp, Xstrata, Lakeshore Gold, San Gold, Osisko Mining and VG Gold and others.
In 2007, the vendors commissioned a partial Induced Polarization (IP) on the eastern edge of the Hoyle North property, this would cover approximately 1/8th of our land. Results from the IP suggest 2 strong anomalies in that area which have drawn our attention and suggest further exploration of these targets is warranted. Mr. Gary Kirk, CEO President of Gold Dynamics Corp departed on a 5 day trip to the property at the end of April 2012 for the purpose of exploring the property, taking soil samples from the 1st anomaly and working with local contractors and the vendors to get a better understanding of the property geography and moraine so that future exploration plans could be made more knowledgeably.
Mr. Kirk and our contracted prospector Mr. Yvan Veronneau toured the property and collected 21 soil samples from the 1st anomaly in a grid with 25 metre spacing. Random samples from 2 locations which appeared to have possible mineralization were also collected. The samples remained in Mr. Kirks care and control at all times and were delivered by him to Activation Labs (ACTlabs) secure facility in Timmins where the samples were prepared and then shipped to the ACTlabs primary facility in Ancaster, Ontario for broad spectrum mineralization tests. Results from the tests will be released in a press release shortly after they are delivered.
Gold Dynamics Corp. has contracted with Mr Veronneau to revisit the property for the purpose of taking samples from the 2nd known anomaly, an existing shaft excavated in the early 1900s and general prospecting. The additional sampling will add to our database and general knowledge about the Hoyle North property.