CARN Mobile Usage in the United States
280,000,000 people in the United States use mobile phones
77% of US wireless subscribers subscribe to or purchase text-message capability.
2 in 5 Americans access the Internet, email or instant messages from a cell phone.
Beginning in 2008, the average number of text messages sent surpassed telephone calls made.
95% of all text messages received are viewed within one hour.
Use of mobile data services is growing fastest among 30-49 year olds.
US smartphone penetration has reached 50 million devices and is the fastest growing segment of the handset market.
58% of Americans (150,000,000) have a phone capable of connecting to the Internet (Source: Lightspeed)
48% of mobile device owners surveyed have made a purchase via their mobile phone. Although mobile shopping was most popular with consumers ages 18 to 34, more than 1/3 of those ages 55-plus have also made a purchase via mobile. (Source: Lightspeed)
Online retail sales expected to be $248 billion by 2014, and mobile commerce sales are expected to top $27 billion by 2015.