NORX News Recap: Norstra Interpreting Seismic Data
NORSTRA ENERGY INC.WWW.NORSTRAENERGY.COM (OTCQB:NORX) ("Norstra" or the "Company") is interpreting and evaluating seismic data in order to render the most accurate possible graphic representation of specific portions of the South Sun River Project's subsurface geological structure.
Norstra's geological team has defined three sections of its current holdings that are diagonally offsetting along the strike of the thrust sheets. There is an abundance of seismic data available on this portion of the Sun River Prospect. Several major oil companies including Arco, Shell, Occidental, and Exxon were pursuing deeper targets than the Bakken in the 1980s resulting in considerable seismic data in our area. Most of the seismic is high quality 12 fold dynamite lines and nearly all the major oil companies have made their data available through representatives.
The images that the company has already acquired, as well as additional data that it is evaluating for potential acquisition, allow Norstra and its geophysical consultants, R. J. Grundy & Associates, to accurately evaluate the Bakken prospect for drill sight location. With the recorded seismic "signatures" Norstra and its geophysicist have the tools to produce the truest possible image of the sub-surface geological structure on the South Sun River Project. Norstra has acquired 14 miles of seismic lines and plans to double its portfolio of seismic information as it extends its study to the northwest of the initial 3 sections currently under consideration for the first drill location.
Mr. Glenn Landry, President of Norstra stated, "Our seismic experts, R. J. Grundy and associates, of Denver, have over 35 years of global experience in oil and gas exploration and geophysical interpretation. They have previously done historic seismic work within 2 miles of the target area which is of great value for us. The initial seismic evaluation for the first of 3 sections is near completion. The first thrust sheet west of the Krone well which was drilled by Shell Oil Company, is clearly visible. Additional review will be conducted along the strike of the sheet."
Acquisition of seismic data involves the transmission of controlled acoustic energy into the earth, and recording the energy that is reflected back from geological boundaries in the subsurface. Processing these reflections produces a synthetic image of the earth's subsurface geological structure.