"Isn't it JC's responsibility to make sure all affiliates stated are up and running? Isn't it his responsibility to make sure PNCH is streaming on filmon?"
Maybe he doent want things up & running or streaming smoothly
Whether JC will end up regreting this or not no one can say, but once he got the ball rolling there was no stopping it. The stakes a very high here. Even though it may seem ludicris, IMO creating real or percieved diminished value, scare tacktics, even sabotage are not out of the question because at this point he stands to lose it all. Im sure JC would rather have a crippled co to rebuild than no company.
His ONLY objective right now is getting his Punch back in any condition & by any means necessary. IMO
Im not suggesting that JC is or will in fact sabotage Punch, Im just saying desperate measures are very real possibility here!!
So how ugly will this get? Hopefully next week will shed some light.