This is how things really went down since Collins didn't post the full dialog!
Me: First let me say you are very attractive. Wish I could have made it to the up front to meet everyone. Second, as a shareholder of millions of shares I am disgusted at the behavior of Collins. He attacked all of the shareholders when this had nothin to do with us and has made false claims that he's doing it to help us out. It's my understanding that you as well were let go. Letting to of a beautiful, seemingly intelligent lady is not an easy thing to do but seeing as you are working with Collins to manufacture replicas of pictures and content and put them on another page seems completely nuts. Everything you and Collins are doing seems nuts. Now, how on earth could a sane individual trust people who are acting like nut jobs and attacking everyone including people not directly involved in this situation? This attack on us shareholders needs to stop. You guys can settle this with your attorneys and Steve without involving us. To throw us all in the middle is unethical, immoral, and just plain and simply bad business. Even if Collins was right, he has made himself and you look like the liars and the enemy. What your doing isn't working. Matter of fact you're just pissing off everyone and if put to a vote you guys would lose against the shareholders and Steve. We all have families too. Please stop this stupidity and go back to being civil, smart minded, goal oriented, driven individuals.
Rachel: I assume from your email that you are not a fact finder....Get the facts before you continue to assume.....Keep an eye on our website.......
Me:Fact: JC attacked his own company and the investors causing the pps to suffer. Fact: I'm an investor. Fact: JC has shown no proof that he has any control whatsoever personally or professionally. Fact: neither of you will professionally provide answers. Fact: neither of you have done anything positive for us investors. Instead you've assaulted all of us and your company. Where are my facts wrong?
Rachel:I feel like your attacking do me a favor do not send another email to this address....Mr. Collins email address is
Me: Rofl! Can't wait to post this lol
Joseph: I understand that there is dismay in the minds of our shareholders. And this is not what I wanted to do. But after months of continued conversations with Steven, I was left with no other choice, but to begin to remedy this situation. At any time during this period Steven has had every opportunity to resolve these issues, to set the companies in the right path. However his blatant disregard of truth and the facts has escalated these issues. Being that I would have been the companies largest shareholder with close to 700 million shares due to date, which have never been issued. And I would have been the majority shareholder with controlling interest. I would not do anything to harm the stock without justifiable cause. This is clearly a cut and dry case of fraud. I have spent five years building this company and close to 9 million dollars of my own money. Why on earth would I risk all of that because someone's ego has gotten the best of him and they decide to unilaterally file false and misleading documents with the SEC and then openly refuse to correct such documents, not once but twice. There is no one person currently in this company that has more to loose than I do. Not you sir or Steven or any other investor. And if the one that has the most to loose screams fraud to the top of his voice, maybe you should listen. Joseph Collins