Despite sequester, DOD signs contract for $59/gallon green jet fuel
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel recently warned that sequestration would cause “suspension of important activities, curtailed training, and could result in furloughs of civilian personnel” but the spending cuts haven’t killed the green fuels program, as the Pentagon has continued purchasing renewable fuel at $59 per gallon.
“In March, Gevo entered into a contract with the Defense Logistics Agency to supply the U.S. Army with 3,650 gallons of renewable jet fuel to be delivered by the second quarter of 2013,” Gevo announced this week in its first quarter financial report. “This initial order may be increased by 12,500 gallons. All shipments will be at a fixed price of $59 per gallon during the initial testing phase. These shipments are in addition to the renewable jet fuel supplied to the U.S. Air Force (USAF) and the U.S. Navy (USN).”
Conventional JP-8 jet fuel costs $3.73 a gallon, according to the Defense Logistics Agency .
WTF!? Jet fuel is essentially diesel, or kerosene. $59/gal for green fuel...!?
Hello DOD...Hello JBII...
I sent Chris Irons the article.