Try contacting a lawyer and tell them you want to sue somebody. First, you will likely wait a few days before you can even get the lawyer to sit down with you. Then see how long it takes the lawyer to research the issues and statutes, draft the complaint, file it at the courthouse, have the courthouse sheriff schedule the serving of the complaint, file the serving back at the courthouse, the defendant then has about 20+ days to file a response, then discovery begins, then have the judge's staff schedule the pre-trial hearing and review pre-trial motions to dismiss, etc, etc, etc.
Those that expect something to happen in a week obviously have not had much experience with the legal system. Be patient people... once this goes legal... its gonna take a while before anything definitive is known. Take comfort in the statement Steve just released... it couldn't be any clearer who's has the best legal position in this matter. However, the wheels of justice turn extremely slow.