Now that we are starting the 7th month of trials this weekend, presenting at ASCO and IDEAS in the next month, and a week ago Thursday LE emailed that all was progressing with the trials and he did not indicate any negative results to date, what is your opinion today as to a realistic expectation for success for the PH1/2 trial? What percentage did you give for success last Nov?
I know I feel like we have cleared a majority of the hurdles and I expect we hear that K does work as it did on animals, but I also realize my expectations are most likely clouded by what I want to happen as opposed to what is reality.
I have also told many contacts that IMO if trials are still progressing strongly by the end of July that we will have had complete success in PH1 and will be simply testing then for how high a dose of K can be tolerated, but that the dosage level at that time will have had to far exceed what is needed for K to work. Do you agree with the above statement or am I way off base? I also said if they do not want to gamble with their funds to not invest until that time frame. I figure they may lose some dollars buying later at what will most likely be a higher price but save almost all risk.
Will look forward to your analysis.
I am interested also in anyone else who would like to give their opinion, especially those that feel we still have some major hurdles left to cross or that the dates I mentioned are still far too early to feel confident of success. I do realize we have not had confirmation of p21, tumor reduction, or p53 activation yet but I strongly believe we will get the same positive results as was shown in the pre-clinical trials.