Yes, it is a shame, how embarrassing, how embarrassing it is for the principles in RFMK who have made many promises yet nothing has happened for over a year. I believe most investors can understand that taking a penny stock company to fully reporting status and getting it uplisted is a huge complicated task and is subject to delays, especially for ones that have a sorted past because of ex-CEO's of whom possibly abused the stock of the company for their own questionable use. However, at some point investors must realize (depending on their own situation and timing) when enough is enough and call it a loss and move on.
In an effort to be entirely forthright about my own status and involvement with RFMK as an investment, I feel it is necessary to inform loyal RFMK followers that I myself no longer hold RFMK shares and I am not a shareholder. The sad state affairs with the lack of transparency (no audited 10K) and broken promises of the CEO eventually provided reason enough for me personally to exit the position and seek a return for a speculative investment elsewhere.
I still think RFMK has potential and depending on if the CEO ever can come through with promises made to shareholders, perhaps I would again become a shareholder but I have long since been out of the stock and as Mod I felt it was necessary to inform posters on our board. I will remain moderator and I hope that posters will continue to openly discuss RFMK the stock and company fairly and honestly and with balance. The bashers forever seek to use fear and the dark side to cloud others judgement and they obfuscate and deceive in order to convince others of their ways but it is for the weak minded. On any given stock, over a long period of time, there is no way of knowing if one will have the right thesis or not, but we can choose not to stoop down to the level of critters in the OTC scum swamp. Difference posters choose different paths. The future is uncertain and impossible to see.
There is still much to discuss for RFMK no matter what are the gyrations of the stock. In my opinion, many corporate acheivements are possible but first and foremost the CEO must provide required critical transparency before any real investors can invest long term in this company. For those who wish to simply throw money into it for a quick day flip or two, then have it, good luck to you, you are going to need it, its akin to casino gambling. The only way to truly invest in a company is to accumulate shares over a long period of time and give it a chance to grow; most do not grow and many fail, though sometimes start up companies succeed and perform very well making investors a very nice return on investment. Each investor/trader has their own game plan and I think each must decide for themselves what path they must take; buy/hold/sell. There is no secret recipe and all must do their own DD.
The dark side clouds everything. Difficult to see the future is.
Do or do not, there is no try.