Well, I don't know what's going on but I can say that I've had a standing order since April 1, 2013 for 1 million shares @ .0001 and I didn't get so much as 1 share of all those that traded @ .0001. It is a bit concerning when you see all of those shares flying around, not knowing where they are landing.
Something did come to mind though, Mr. Meier made the statement in today's PR that, "Under no circumstances can we discuss stock price or volume in any form or fashion." This struck me as a funny statement this morning, especially the mention of volume since, for the most part, volume has been very predictable or should I say, in a range that doesn't seem to be out of the ordinary. Also, I don't think any of the questions posed to Jason were centered around the topic of volume. Then today......BAM, we have 650 million shares traded. Considering the timing of the PR and its content, especially the mention of volume, maybe all is still going as planned. I believe it is, and am still holding strong. Actually picked up another milly @ .0002 this afternoon for my girlfriend.