Project Status Update for May 2, 2013
Mitchell #3 reached total depth at 4,605ft and is currently being cemented.
On March 30, 2013, at approximately 11:25pm,TNC’s drilling rig reached a total depth (TD) on Mitchell #3 of 4,605ft. Immediately upon reaching TD, the drilling pipe was removed from the well. Tucker Energy Services was standing by with a wireline truck to conduct all essential well tests once the drilling pipe was cleared from the well.
Yesterday, May 1, 2013, several tests were performed on Mitchell #3; a caliper log, a composite log, a phased induction log and compensated neutron logs. The samples of the well and all tests performed were analyzed by geologists on-site that same day.
As of this morning, May 2, 2013, casing was inserted and is currently in process of being cemented. Once the cement is cured, a completion rig will be brought in to perforate, acidize and complete the well. During the curing time, TNC will move its rig into position to begin drilling Mitchell #4 as planned.