Yet, we still don't care what you have to say. You start off on this board with your own premise that is, shall we say, doubtful. The innocence scam did not work with a single board reader. Why would we care where you go from there? Naturally, you are ignored.
Yet you continue and present your own interpretation of events, the base information of which we are already familiar. We know financials of a penny stock salvage company that has not yet put treasure on deck look bad because we expect tthem to look bad and they have looked bad since inception of the company. Yet here they are years later on the verge of a huge breakout.
Why do you spend so much time bashing a stock that you just go interested in? Same reason Southern Gal does.
I don’t' know what your motivation is, but it is not for the shareholders of this company, it is not for the future of this company, it is not for the education of the readers of this board. Somehow, some way and for some reason, you are benefitting from bashing this stock. Therefore, your input has no value. You are attempting to manipulate a penny stock for your own gain.
Real financial experts who examine the financial reports of this company are extremely impressed by the very low debt that the company has accumulated over the last five years and the intelligent way Kyle structured the company.
If you wree holding a convertible note for a penny stock company on the verge of a huge berakout with unimaginable future profits and growth, would you be in a hurry to cash it in and get your money back? Note holders of this company are a lucky few who know a good thing when they have it. Of course they are hanging on to them.
The other readers of this board will understand that we don't care to entertain your future comments. We don't care to waste time debating your attempts at stock manipulation. We know that everything you have to add from here on out will be more of the same.