So they booted half of the SIRG mods, Warren1, bv and then me. What does ADMIN have against the SIRG board?
They are clearly biased by the fact that druzela got banned but SKA called me slimecat by putting it into his signature and posting all over I-HUB and only got a 2 week one post a day restriction.
Then he PMd me and bragged about how they were in control. He laughed that they were able to get his and Larry's posts restored after I removed them. That was Friday!
And I felt that posting that SIRG longs were drinking koolaid to me is a personal attack and so I removed them. ADMIN feels that koolaid is just fine!
Then I posted about Barton Budman, his bio and qualifications. ADMIN removed it as Off Topic and I challenged it! Guess they didn't like that. They don't know who he is but as a SIRG BOD member he is on topic!
Totally tired of ADMIN BS and I think you all understand.
Thanks for listening to me vent!