Here is the ASCO Kevetrin Presentation Info :
Developmental Therapeutics - Clinical Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Mon, Jun 3
8:00 AM - 11:45 AM
S Hall A2 (Location)
Abstract #TPS2627 A phase I, dose-escalation, safety, pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic study of thioureidobutyronitrile, a novel p53 targeted therapy, in patients with advanced solid tumors .
Geoffrey Shapiro, MD, PhD
The floor plan, where Dr. Shapiro will be in the green General Poster area: (glad its by the food court, lol);Mapid=232
And finally, some virtual access options for anyone not attending ASCO. Perhaps CTIX will get some airplay here?
Also, just a liting of Dr. Shapiro's past ASCO presentations, he is a seasoned veteran at ASCO :