Lt. Thanks for your response, Im just trying to make a point. Reading the same every day from both sides does not keep me informed, one of my best producers is MDF, over the years there have been many bashers on that board as well as pumpers, , neither had any effect on the outcome of the stock, From otc it progressed to the big board. and now the bashers have faded into the sun set. R Early gave concise PR's and the investing public made thier decisions to stay or go.
I have not lost hope here, never really had any, other then to supplement my retirement portfolio with a shot in the dark. this is a business that will make it or not. Even you must agree to some extant that if we were as close to 1st flight as you say, that there would be renewed interest here in the states, There is a lot of cash out there looking for a home with interest.
In any case I'm not going anywhere at this time. Its to much fun watching the action or lack there of.
truly Lt, I wish you and your group as well as all of us the best. Even if we fly my estimate of return has fallen , due to the dilution and the fact that the 06 is wasting away on the ground and not making money.