
Fifth Letter of Ticker Symbol Meanings:
A Class A.
B Class B.
C Exempt from Nasdaq® listing requirements for a limited period of time.
D A new issue of an existing stock. (Often the result of a reverse split.)
E Delinquent in required filings with the SEC as determined by the NASD®.
F Foreign.
G First Convertible Bond .
H Second Convertible Bond, same company.
I Third Convertible Bond, same company.
J Voting.
K Non-voting.
L Miscellaneous situations such as foreign preferred, preferred when-issued, a second class of units, a third class of warrants, or a sixth class of preferred stock.
M Fourth preferred, same company.
N Third preferred, same company.
O Second preferred, same company.
P First preferred.
Q In bankruptcy proceedings.
R Rights.
S Shares of beneficial interest.
T With warrants or with rights.
U Units.
V When-issued and when-distributed.
W Warrants.
X Mutual Fund.
Y ADR (American Depositary Receipts).
Z Miscellaneous situations such as a second class of warrants, a fifth class of preferred stock, a stub, a foreign preferred when-issued, or any unit, receipt, or certificate representing a limited partnership interest.

