As a frequent flyer to Russia, the busness plan of BLTA is what first got me interested enough in the company to take a chance here. AS U say its a proven market, one thats passing us by. We can knock the bashers all we want but they truly have a valid complaint here, I too have been here for 7 years, listening to the hype that never comes to fruition. Do I like or support the bashing of BLTA no, nor do I like the empty Pumping that been going on as long as I have been here and reading the earlier posts, long before I showed up. What we dont seem to be getting are honest answers from BLTA so that both camps can come together.
The extent of the pumping and the bashing on the other board, Negate both as empty, in my mind, an endless repitition.
The excuses have to stop, the latest , that the manuels have been approved, has to indeed be the case , no more next week, next month, not and build faith in the company. We are told that we have the NY state Senete deligation on our side, if this is indeed the case and if there are no major flaws in the manuels they should be approved by now. The delegation has the Presidents ear and no fed. funds are required. The plane should be NYC next week not next month or September or later. If it is not then I think we are not being informed of the real reason the manuels have not been accepted.
I am and have been a supporter of the idea behind BLTA, I am however not in love with the company. They have been leeking info to those who call them , info that is then posted on the boards as fact , then proven empty, clear of misleading info by verture of second hand knowledge.
As always I wish us all good luck who you are truly off the street investors and not in any way connected to or recieving compensation from BLTA.