Here's the thing when you try to "convince" me I should be trading the stock as opposed to what I am doing....buying, holding, and is entertainment to me. Obviously, you go ahead and trade if that is what you want and I will invest my money as I see fit. There is room here for both. The real money will be made before the ART products hit the market......meaning I'm buying my shares now BEFORE the ART hits the market.
And I am more than willing to discuss dilution and convertible debt...when it understanding is that with the current LPC deal it is way better financially for the company and better for us shareholders than the previous Socius deal because of the possibility of less dilution. 80 million shares would be at an average of .125 cents.....70 million at .1428.....60 million at .1667.
And to throw up RED FLAG without discussing why it is a red flag....I'd call that a RED FLAg in and of itself. The move from Del to Nev was so the company would be less susceptible to a hostile takeover. To imply otherwise, is to excuse the problems the company has had with the Hedge Fund Trellus and to understand the amount of ELTP shares Epic Insiders own and the legal protection the move to Nevada allows Elite in relation to Epic. Just good business sense. Thanks for sharing your agenda though.