1) Your have shown an inability to handle criticism. There have OFTEN times been people on this board who have criticized some of your actions and you are quick to label them as "negative." These are mostly LONGS that have had critique of your actions. Yet, you are quick to label them as "negative." It's unfair. You should be more open to critique. The absolute best CEO's should be prepared to stick their head into the line of fire that is critique.
2) You HAVE been unreliable when it comes to timing. You have mostly delivered but ALWAYS ALWAYS late. You need to be careful with this because anticipation builds wildly. When you put a countdown on your IC Places FB that leads to nothing because you changed your mind, that is not cool to your shareholders. When you say Clearvision will be out with their PR "next week" and it takes 3 months, you SHOULD NOT HAVE SAID 'NEXT WEEK' - it's as simple as that. There are other examples of poorly built up anticipation that I've blocked out. You did say your lawyers would have a statement today - and it's 8:30 PM ET. Now you say "as soon as possible", we will "learn the truth." So, I'm assuming that doesn't mean today even though you said it would be today?
3) The fact is that JC accused you of lack of ethics. I don't care about who is the CEO/CFO/President. The facts (or lack thereof) supporting those accusations need to be brought to light. I am not saying you did something wrong. Joseph Collins - a man you trusted to work with you - is saying these things. We need more information.
4) The shareholders meeting issue is an exercise in semantics that I don't want to engage in with you. But, it was misleading and I'm not the only person that thinks this.
5) You have stated before that you were done with Ihub and then went back and posted to "defend the company" and then again said you were done, then went back again. Tough to believe you there.
One more thing. I have been here for nearly a year. I don't post much but when I do, I engage in a reasonable discussion regarding the positives and negatives of the company. You should do the same.
I'm out of posts. Best of luck everyone.