"Falon", Thanks for the kind words,
I clearly and patiently read and digested your response, noticing you specifically
adhered your verbage to his and turned the tables on this very foolish man.
By the time I contacted "Jim46" and "Risk", ... it was gone, in fact I have only
seeing you in this mode once before, quite a while back you let "Scuba" have it,
and it was spot on then as it was yesterday.
I have written much "food for thought", only to have it not either understood or
appreciated, but the worst part for me is after all the many posts, here comes a
new idiot (inorout) who he himself is mocking all of us and the Company since no
"Revenue" is reflected anywhere !!!!!!!!, or the other who mocks me for being a day
off or a number on the filing dates, after my pursuing Parent and cornering him for
an answer so that I can share it with everyone who is on "silent mode" from SNEY !
I was the only source at times, . . . or nothing !! . . . . . .. so I get accused of being
in Steve's pocket. (Hawksfan)
After a while I realize I am dealing with idiots, and so I refuse to "feed pearls to the
swine" and decided to drastically cut back on my posting.
(specially when I find out one of them has 96,000 shares !, and SP once tol me,
"the ones that buy the least demand and scream the most")
Today I got a call from Steve, we went out for coffee since he was down with the flu
for a few days, and got cought up. The "Q"1 is in final review before going to Edgar
then to XBRL before filing, so I would expect this to happen about Thursday or there
abouts. "Q"2 is being prepared for a few days already, and Steve is determined to do
the filing before the 8/15 due date, contrary to SNEYSAYERS predictions of course.
I want to thank you for the most diligent and consistent DD work you provide, and for
keeping a cool head under fire.
GOG bless you.
"Rocketman", . . . . . . .. . . up, up, and away!