$RITE News just out MineralRite Signs Copper Project - CEO Anticipates Revenue In 45 Days
LINDON, Utah, April 29, 2013 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- MineralRite Corporation (OTCQB: RITE) is pleased to announce that is has signed a definitive cooperation agreement with Mexico Mineral Export company, CSI Export and Import.
MineralRite will be supplying the mine sites the necessary equipment and processing knowledge needed in order for the copper ore to be processed into a higher percentage concentrate enabling the mine owners and MineralRite to enjoy bigger margins and profit levels.
"The equipment will start to be installed in the next two weeks and our first shipment should be ready within 45 days, it is our intention to process and sell over 4000 tons of high grade concentrate over the next 12 months. This concentrate in todays market will sell for approximately $2500-3000 per ton.
The cooperation agreement is part of the basis for MineralRite's business model of providing processing services, equipment and sales for a fee and percentage of the increased values.
CSI has been in Mexico and Chile for the past five years and specializes in the sourcing and export of diverse commodities, such as Copper and Iron Ore. They have numerous relationships with the mine owners in these countries and have shipped to various customers worldwide.
This agreement entails a two year supply agreement from one mine site and five year supply agreements from several additional sites.
MineralRite Corporation is engaged in the processing, certification and sales metals including copper,gold, silver, and the platinum group metals. Using various proprietary and ecologically friendly processes and technologies, the Company extracts precious metals from mining operations ore, reclaimed mine tailings and high value concentrate material.