$RITE MineralRite Completes Acquisition Of Strategic Manufacturing Facility In Lindon, Utah
LINDON, Utah, April 25, 2013 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- MineralRite Corporation (OTCQB: RITE) is pleased to announce the successful acquisition of Goldfield International Inc, In Utah.
In March 2013, MineralRite completed the acquisition and took over operations of Goldfield International Inc,(www.goldfieldint.com ), a premier supplier of alluvial gold, diamond and other gem stone recovery equipment manufactured in the United States.
MineralRite is engaged in the business of mineral processing,certification and sales of precious metals.The company will focus on the extraction of gold and silver from client ore bodies and mine tailings.
With this acquisition MineralRite headquarters has been moved to the location in Lindon, Utah.
"We are extremely excited about this acquisition. Goldfield is cash flow and net income positive and is a great addition for us at this time. Goldfield is a great brand in the mining community and opens up many networks for us. The company was in a maintenance mode in their business and now we will set it into a fast global expansion mode. It will enable us to develop our own ore processing lines in-house and help us move closer to accomplishing our aggressive goals we have set for the company.We have several projects we are working on and this new ability of having our own fabrication facility helps us expedite some of our projects," said Guy Peckham, CEO and President of MineralRite.
MineralRite's new Goldfield brand equipment line has has numerous enquires and sales in the month of March and the new management in place at the fabrication facility successfully completed,sold and shipped multiple units worldwide.
"March was an exciting and challenging month for us to take over operations, make some changes to operations and continue to provide good service to our new and old customers. With the value of Gold continuing to stay above $1300 per ounce, the economics of prospecting and recovery has been growing dramatically and the need for more equipment is constant. All our equipment we are currently producing is already sold and will most likely be air shipped to various locations," said Kent Harmon, President of Goldfield.
ABOUT GOLDFIELD- Goldfield brand of mechanical separation equipment has been in production since 1996 and has been shipped been shipped to customers in 32 countries on 6 continents over the years. Goldfield headquarters and manufacturing facility entails over 40,000 sq feet of space at 55 South Geneva Road In Lindon, Utah.
MineralRite Corporation is engaged in the processing, certification and sales of precious metals including gold, silver, and the platinum group metals. Using various proprietary and ecologically friendly processes and technologies, the Company extracts precious metals from mining operations ore, reclaimed mine tailings and high value concentrate material.