[ quote ] e. Digital developed the first solid state music player capable of playing what is now known as iTunes® formatted music … years before the first iPod® [ /quote]
I suppose you automatically jumped the gun when you thought e. Digital claimed they developed the first solid state music player... we all know that's not factual... If you read the quote slowly, you will notice that e. Digital is claiming that they developed the first player capable of playing iTunes® formatted music
[ quote ] 10 years before Apple’s Siri®, e. Digital created and introduced VoiceNav® technology allowing consumers to navigate and command portable media players using their voice . [/quote]
Also, VoiceNav was developed by Bell Labs' Advanced Technologies (a division of Lucent) and the MXP 100 is the first consumer product to use the voice navigation interface . VoiceNav is capable of recognizing over 100,000 words and names.
" target="_blank"> http://www.mp3newswire.net/Graphics/MXP%20100%2072%20dpi.jpg[/img]
To be official soon...