What I had wanted to say was that TROLLS are dolts and never learn...
Based upon all the evidence that has been discovered by the DD of dozens of JBI Longs and contributed to this discussion, it appears safe to say that many remain uneducable regarding the progress that JBI has made in 4 short years.
Exciting events just seem to be happening nearly weekly now...
so it seems possible that lights will begin to shine where there has been darkness and confusion about just what JBI is going to be doing beginning in 2013 and for years to come.
This Crayola recycling program is going to become HUGE in and of itself...
not because of the volume of feedstock,
nor that Crayola is paying the shipping to NF, New York... (in the USA, NOT Canada as some have misspoken)...
nor because of the amount of fuel produced...
ALL of which are good things...
BUT because of the publicity for JBI...
THE AWARENESS among school children who are OF THE GREEN (FIRST) GENERATION will be passed on the EVERYONE that they talk to because these KIDS are going to be excited about the green benefits of the Crayola recycling project for markers and crayons!
Kids love THE ENVIRONMENT and all causes that "save" or "clean up" the environment in whatever way that they do!
Probably MORE EXCITED than the little red-headed girl in the bank commercial WHO WANTS MORE... because IF you like it, you JUST WANT MORE & MORE!