Not being an expert but I am going to venture and say that with today's gold prices the total weight of gold treasure will hold the most $$ value.
If you're a historian then actual artifacts probably have a greater value, but as shareholder I'll take the maximum bang & prefer fatass ingots LOL.
Yes, I do agree with what you said, as long as the Permits & Easement are not received they ought to be at Juno IMO.
I've read the Monthly Log files and know how many days they were @ Juno in '12. At first I couldn't comprehend why it was so few & far apart.
I mean if you have permit to salvage thats what you ought to be doing, non stop, weather & technicalities permitted of course... But since this is a known wreck site, and many other diving crews went down there for decades on end then your chances of finding anything easy are greatly diminished. Having said that, and to come back to why I couldn't comprehend the puny amount of days spent there, its because the blowers weren't powerful enough to do proper dredging. Later in '12 the Iron Maiden got retrofitted right? So they ought to be better equipped now, and should be on site as much as possible. Yet they went back in Jan/Feb and if I read your earlier post correctly they fell short a couple of feet, right? So again Juno comes to a halt. To conclude, while I said "Yes, as long as the Permits & Easement are not received they ought to be at Juno"... but if the boat isn't up for the task then there ain't much use just to float around there either...
Just curious, what is the maximum depth that the current blowers can reach now?