WPNV - WindPower Innovations
Share Structure:
200M A/S
71.4M O/S
28M Float
Just acquired Rig Construction, Inc. with 2 subsidiaries;
Cameo Pools & Spa
Cameo Landscaping
Cameo Solar - A division of Cameo Pools & Spa
Just announced Financials for 2012 and the first Qtr 2013!
Note the financials show revenues of ' For the year ended December 31, 2012, RIG Construction, Inc. reported gross revenues of $4.759 millio n ".
Stock pps base should be around .066 and with a P/E of 6 around 594 .
No one seems to be aware of this company.
More acquisitions to come!
John Myers, CEO of WindPower Innovations, commented, "With the completion of this transaction our Company and our shareholders have acquired a significant operating company, having substantial revenue and assets . I believe that this will be become a stepping stone for us as we look to grow the Company through internally generated growth and additional acquisitions ."
I believe this is the ground floor of this company and where it is headed.