Regarding momentum, WSGP trending from .78 to .96 ever since bullish coverage rpt.....highly suspect they will break 1.
was issued on them....interesting graphite proxy as this metal is coming on strong and expected to ramp on high demand..
Initiating Coverage: Western Graphite Inc. (WSGP): The BOOM In Graphite Mining IS Here
Initiating Coverage: Western Graphite, Inc. (WSGP)
Short Term Target: $5
Shares Outstanding: 58,000,000
Float: 30,000,000
We are initiating sponsored research coverage of Western Graphite, Inc. (WGSP) with a $5 short term target based on their preliminary high quality “flake” graphite reserve estimates at ...for rest of article: http://www.nbtequitiesresearch.com/company/we...g-coverage