$WOLV :: Diamond Drill Program on Labrador property
Diamond Drill Program
Three drill holes intersected significant sulphide mineralization containing visible chalcopyrite.
A total of six holes were drilled to test various surface showing that had been expanded by a recent trenching program. All holes were drilled at a -45o dip to cross the steeply dipping geology and provide as much information as possible.
Hole DDC-01-10 was drilled to test for a down-dip continuation of a previously sampled rock cut. Mineralization was intersected over an interval of 16.8 meters from 75.5 to 92.3 meters, containing pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite. Sulphide was present as disseminations, blebs and stringers. The intersection was much deeper than where the surface showing had indicated, suggesting this is a new mineralized zone. Hole DDC-02-10 was drilled to test a surface gossan and intersected 1.8 meters of disseminated sulphide from 28.1 to 29.9 meters within an altered gneiss. Hole DDC-03-10 was abandoned. Hole DDC-04-10, was collared approximately 40 meters northeast of DDC-01-10 to test for a continuation of mineralization intersected in that drillhole and intersected two significant zones of sulphide mineralization with visible chalcopyrite. The upper zone was intersected over a distance of 27.5 meters starting at 4.5 meters and the lower zone was intersected over a distance of 35.2 meters starting at 71.0 meters. Holes DDC-05-10 and DDC-06-10 were drilled elsewhere on the property to test for a down-dip continuation of previously exposed mineralized gossans. There were no visible sulphides in either drillhole but a 3.0 meter section of DDC-06-10 was sampled in a sheared zone proximal to the down-dip extension of surface mineralization.
The drilling confirms the presence of anomalous copper in disseminated sulphide with assay results returning grades up to 0.24% copper and anomalous gold.