You're a person of few words berto, but thanks and if you were satisfied with what you saw it would be nice to hear.
On another note, I saw the movie "Do The Math" on Sunday night. This was put out by and talks about the increasing amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Scientists have warned about it going above 350 ppm and we are presently around 380 ppm. Bill McKibbon is co-founder of and they are trying to get colleges and universities to divest their investments to oil companies. Last year students were trying to get 6 universities to do this. This year there are student groups all over the country trying to get 300 universities to divest their interests in big oil. Perhaps this might get some public attention soon and cause greater awareness of the need to reduce carbon emissions. The template for this idea started with divestiture from South African companies to change South Africa's policy of Apartheid.
If HLNT really has the best technology for reducing diesel carbon emissions maybe Launchit will let the world know!....unless you want to let the world know berto. : )