removed as off topic by lieflub admin
From a reliable source:
"Sorry but Rod still owns all 16,117,467 of his shares and did not "bank" a penny! PROOF - READ THE FILINGS. Two images were posted in the sticky post above, the first one shows Rod as a director and officer and shows he owns 5,530,000 shares.
The SECOND image shows additional BENEFICIAL OWNERS and shows J. Rod Martin-CEO and Director owns 10,587,467 shares. It is all there, clear as daylight and proof that Rod has not "banked on one of the runs."
The bulk of these 10,587,467 shares is owned by the LLC?5277 partners,not directly by J Rod Martin,so if one did not look at the totality of the situation it would be easy to misrepresent the current vs past share totals
"The sticky post with false information should be removed and an apology to the board will be accepted."