realize their track record (operatives) has the odds in their favor
most co.s can not survive/outlast their *efforts* and are successfully killed
isn't it odd how the SEC has left the subject matter of STK MSG BDs virtually untouched
when there are sites (and they should know based on their actions) that have been the vehicle
of choice for OTC stock manipulation .. how amusing that sites like Twitter and Facebook got *addressed*
realize just how much MASSIVE the money in play is (and not just in relation to JBII)
kudos for doing your part with your reps .. god knows this is a slow and heavily mined road to pursue
sad to say *imo* >> most can be bought off
zero doubts that JBI *survives* and P2O works .. .. which is why it's going to be very telling to see how this is handled *by all* >> going forward