I agree with your assessment that it will be about the end of the year before any positive statement will be heard from DF as they must be absolutely sure of their data and results before making any public announcement due to the importance of the findings I believe we will have from Phase1.
As for Prurisol, I would hope for a little earlier but really don't see the trial starting til about Sept so that would push results around the end of the year at best.
As I have stated on IH, I believe after we get thru the 5th cohort that we will have cleared the major hurdles for Kevetrin and all that is left is finding how strong a dose can be given til MTD. If I have any new funds to invest, I will do so then.
I understand the excitement all investors have regarding Kevetrin and how that will cause lots of odd reactions by new investors or those with short time frame agendas for the company, but as long as they don't hinder the work at DF I have no problem with whatever they want to opine. I find these boards insightful but also quite entertaining and am sure some of my posts have given many a lot to laugh about with my goofy ideas. I don't find too many on either board with a bad heart, hope this journey continues as positively as it has since I got onboard last Oct. I don't worry about the time as it seems only yesterday was 1Jan and he we are going into the last full week of April. ASCO will arrive in a heartbeat, the end of July 2 heartbeats, and then it is all kickback and enjoy the rest of the year til the great news is announced. Come the end of the year I retire and CTIX should make my free years fabulous.
I will be emailing LE for the first time soon. Will see if he(really Dr M), believes Prurisol will become a hot drug for study in other autoimmune diseases such as Crohn's disease. I have a friend I told about Prurisol and he now refers to it as his Wonder Drug. I hope it proves to be able to help with this life altering condition. I hope Dr M sees it as a possible aid in treatment of CD.