Copy of email sent to RENU IR @ 1200p 7/12/12:
(I will post any response I receive, in it's entirety). Thanks to all who contributed.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and hopefully to respond. I'm self appointed spokesman for a group of RENU shareholders, mainly because I feel it my duty, in light of information, advice, and prodding that I provided to many in taking a position here, and also to adding to theirs, when all logic dictated not to.
We understand your position, in that you may not have the liberty or authority to answer some of the inquiries that we have compiled below, however it is our hope that you will answer what you can, and will pass on whatever you cannot, that maybe they can be addressed in the very near future.
Please take note that I fully intend to publish this email, alone with any response I may receive, in it's entirety. So, please respond in full knowledge and disclosure of that intent.
Most of us were in anxious anticipation of the website release and what information and enlightenment we expected to find there. It is well known now, that the great majority of us are very discouraged by not only the lack of content and information, but of the delay of something that could have, and should have been released back in January 2012, when it was first promised.
Although many things have been conveyed to us through PR's and through the STT interviews, we remain in the dark as to the status of them and therefore, to the state of RenuEn and to it's future course and projections. So, we have compiled a list of inquiries that are (or were) facts presented to us, and on their basis, we made our decisions about investing and increasing our investments. In order for us to make intelligent decisions about our own current holdings and our future course of actions, we believe we need some answers to some of these facts and promises that were proffered.
Where able, the source material is quoted or referred. If any are in question, we are willing to provide the backgrounds and substance for each. I apologize for the length of my opening, but felt it necessary to properly frame the reason for these requests:
- Florida schools solar project- ongoing? was it profitable? specifics of project? ongoing relationship with Vergona- Bowersox? with Dreamworks?
- If Quigley is out, what is the relationship with Home Energy Experts? Do we still have an office in Marietta? Who is running it? Residential, commercial or both?
- Management updates- who is still in? new additions? Why was the vetting process of senior management apparenlty flawed? Has it been changed?
- Website- why reported on STT interview (1/17/12) that the delay was due to "too many contracts and news to keep it current", so why was the website so generic when released? Where is all the news that was holding up the website release?
- Previously we were PR'd (11/17/11) that an LOI with InterDyn was close to finalization- update? If included, what benefit do they bring us? If not, why not?
- Design, Build, Profit was also PR'd to be close to finalization for acquistions (11/17/11 PR)- Status? Benefit if included? Reason if not included?
- 9/7/11 & 9/12/11 BGS Newsletter announced LOI for solar panel (water heating) manufacturer with great revenues..... Status? Reasons/Impacts?
- PR 1/17/12 (announcing STT interview) About RenuEn states " currently has office locations in Union, NJ covering the entire northeast, Marietta GA for the southern market, Palm City, FL for the south east and an office in Maryland in the next 60 days."
- Update and information on the FL and MD office- physical addresses, size, function, who is in charge of them? Profitable?
From the 2nd STT interview:
- Announced Gary Guttveg (Dreamworks) as VP of South Region (~20:00) - status? specific duties?
- Is Dreamworks Remodeling LLC still a part of RENU? Effects of the reciprocal licensing? (22:00)
- (26:00) S1 audit to bring RENU up to the OTCQB platform- status? priority?
- If those associated with Nemes were removed, labeled as "toxic", why took so long? (most are talked about in this interview) why not announced? who all is included? what is left?
- Ongoing projects- what? where? revenues?
- Are we profitable or are we expecting dilution?
Once again, I appreciate your time and effort in addressing this inquiry. Also, I would like to thank you for your past communications with myself and others in bringing us "what you could, when you could". We eagerly anticipate a response.
For several RENU shareholders,
Kevin aka finishsuper