Posted On: 07/12/2012 9:54:46 AM
Post# of 98426

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We are getting various inquiries from clients, non clients and followers about the status of Investors Hub (IHUB) lawsuit. Simply put, we sued them for slander in Canada. They for some unknown reason launched a separate law suit in USA. The USA judge saw through the shenanigans IHUB was pulling and dismissed the case. Rightfully so, they were ordered to go back to Canada and have the Canadian courts deal with the matter. After they put up a fight defending the suit in Canada and just before answering our cross examination questions which were all geared towards the following:
1. who they work for, (what market maker) 2. why do bashing posts allow to flourish, while rock hard due diligence get deleted, 3. who are the basher posters, 4. do they work for IHUB and other questions along those lines.
IHUB simply threw in the towel and refused to defend the action further (remember these answers are under oath and subject to criminal prosecution). One would have to live under a rock and have a negative IQ not to be able to figure out that IHUB caters to stock bashers whose employers pay them directly. Exceptions are when they use their email lists to pump the stock along with other promoters. Their ex management has been sued under the RICO act and the founder is currently in jail doing a 4 year sentence for his penny stock manipulation. For the newbies, simply Google Matt Brown and Investors Hub see what you get. Be that as it may the Canadian judge ordered them to remove slanderous posts.
For a while they did remove slanderous posts but as any sore loser does they try to circumvent the judge's order by allowing misspelled names with minor variations to remain. IHUB position is that they are complying with the order to a letter. In fact they complying for the most part to the court order, however the courts frown on these types of activities and they judge the compliance with the "spirit of the intention".
In December 2010 we had a great opportunity to have the principals of IHUB noted in default for examination in aid of judgment execution where amongst other things the judge was being asked to issue a bench warrant for their arrest. We used the opportunity to extend an olive branch and waive the incarceration proceedings in exchange for compliance. We also stayed the collection of financial award. The principals of IHUB were squealing and were as nervous as a turkey on Thanksgiving day. The fact that we never utilized the law to the full extent we deeply regret. Instead of IHUB using the opportunity to accept the olive branch of peace where we all go our own separate ways, and we all behave as civil adults and responsible good corporate citizens, IHUB again choose the low road. The bashers were back in full swing.
We have now obtained two separate legal opinions and will most likely now recall them to the Canadian court again to have the judge spell out various terms and conditions that cannot be easily circumvented and we may also take legal measures against the IHUB parent company in UK. This time there will be no olive branch. These are skillful manipulators that slander good innocent people and companies for no other reason but to make a quick buck. Case and point their Matt Brown founder. They do it because what are the repercussions? Jail time? IHUB' Matt Brown is already in jail doing 4 years. Think about it, is the extra week or so going to make a difference to this guy? Probably not!
Now you know why the bashers are out again in full force. They know that they will get sanctioned and they know that they may as well enjoy the party while it lasts. We sent many requests to the IHUB webmaster "Dave" aka Dave Lawrence. Dave a Pillsbury dough boy lookalike wannabe is definitively not the sharpest knife in the kitchen. Trying to reason with this individual is like trying to explain yourself, to a mute person over a telephone.*
*Note last time we set up a sting operation this short fused clown violated every and all court orders. He later claimed that IHUB was hacked (EVDR message board June 10th). Makes one wonder how safe is your credit card info with IHUB, if you are a paying customer. We wonder how many "hacks" IHUB will have after this alert?
So.... Back to court we go! This time we may invite Dave as well.
Make no mistake about it! Bashers are not just killing your stock and your investment. They are killing the whole OTC Marketplace. From SEC sanctions and tightening rules, to DTCC chills to Clearing Houses such as Penson and Alpine stricter guidelines, to IRS requiring share price entry point declaration and valuations to OTC Markets imposing the Adequate Disclosure and STOP, YIELD and CURRENT INFO rank; the whole industry is taking notice and trying to make it harder for stock bashers and naked short sellers to operate. They are killing the small business person's aspirations innovations and ability to make progress. We are doing our part. Do yours! Ignore a basher! Do not answer them. Start a new string. Let the lunatics ramble on in their own cyber asylum. Do not give them the audience. Make Dave's cronies earn a living! Alerts
If you are reading this message on a web site you can subscribe to our opt in list at and get these alerts delivered to your email inbox on a timely basis. You can also read old archived ALERTS on How do we know this info? Is it speculation? No it's based on our research and primarily in discussions directly with the company or their agents.
EVDR Merger is done! We are surprised company has not made the announcement?! July 1 is Canada Day and July 4th is Independence Day in USA. Kind of tricky to predict what date management will make the announcement. Serious money behind EVDR. A good chunk of float (that was about to hit the books) purchased by a company insider / backer from the stakeholder Videolocity. Also awareness campaign paid for by cash!!
We are getting various inquiries from clients, non clients and followers about the status of Investors Hub (IHUB) lawsuit. Simply put, we sued them for slander in Canada. They for some unknown reason launched a separate law suit in USA. The USA judge saw through the shenanigans IHUB was pulling and dismissed the case. Rightfully so, they were ordered to go back to Canada and have the Canadian courts deal with the matter. After they put up a fight defending the suit in Canada and just before answering our cross examination questions which were all geared towards the following:
1. who they work for, (what market maker) 2. why do bashing posts allow to flourish, while rock hard due diligence get deleted, 3. who are the basher posters, 4. do they work for IHUB and other questions along those lines.
IHUB simply threw in the towel and refused to defend the action further (remember these answers are under oath and subject to criminal prosecution). One would have to live under a rock and have a negative IQ not to be able to figure out that IHUB caters to stock bashers whose employers pay them directly. Exceptions are when they use their email lists to pump the stock along with other promoters. Their ex management has been sued under the RICO act and the founder is currently in jail doing a 4 year sentence for his penny stock manipulation. For the newbies, simply Google Matt Brown and Investors Hub see what you get. Be that as it may the Canadian judge ordered them to remove slanderous posts.
For a while they did remove slanderous posts but as any sore loser does they try to circumvent the judge's order by allowing misspelled names with minor variations to remain. IHUB position is that they are complying with the order to a letter. In fact they complying for the most part to the court order, however the courts frown on these types of activities and they judge the compliance with the "spirit of the intention".
In December 2010 we had a great opportunity to have the principals of IHUB noted in default for examination in aid of judgment execution where amongst other things the judge was being asked to issue a bench warrant for their arrest. We used the opportunity to extend an olive branch and waive the incarceration proceedings in exchange for compliance. We also stayed the collection of financial award. The principals of IHUB were squealing and were as nervous as a turkey on Thanksgiving day. The fact that we never utilized the law to the full extent we deeply regret. Instead of IHUB using the opportunity to accept the olive branch of peace where we all go our own separate ways, and we all behave as civil adults and responsible good corporate citizens, IHUB again choose the low road. The bashers were back in full swing.
We have now obtained two separate legal opinions and will most likely now recall them to the Canadian court again to have the judge spell out various terms and conditions that cannot be easily circumvented and we may also take legal measures against the IHUB parent company in UK. This time there will be no olive branch. These are skillful manipulators that slander good innocent people and companies for no other reason but to make a quick buck. Case and point their Matt Brown founder. They do it because what are the repercussions? Jail time? IHUB' Matt Brown is already in jail doing 4 years. Think about it, is the extra week or so going to make a difference to this guy? Probably not!
Now you know why the bashers are out again in full force. They know that they will get sanctioned and they know that they may as well enjoy the party while it lasts. We sent many requests to the IHUB webmaster "Dave" aka Dave Lawrence. Dave a Pillsbury dough boy lookalike wannabe is definitively not the sharpest knife in the kitchen. Trying to reason with this individual is like trying to explain yourself, to a mute person over a telephone.*
*Note last time we set up a sting operation this short fused clown violated every and all court orders. He later claimed that IHUB was hacked (EVDR message board June 10th). Makes one wonder how safe is your credit card info with IHUB, if you are a paying customer. We wonder how many "hacks" IHUB will have after this alert?
So.... Back to court we go! This time we may invite Dave as well.
Make no mistake about it! Bashers are not just killing your stock and your investment. They are killing the whole OTC Marketplace. From SEC sanctions and tightening rules, to DTCC chills to Clearing Houses such as Penson and Alpine stricter guidelines, to IRS requiring share price entry point declaration and valuations to OTC Markets imposing the Adequate Disclosure and STOP, YIELD and CURRENT INFO rank; the whole industry is taking notice and trying to make it harder for stock bashers and naked short sellers to operate. They are killing the small business person's aspirations innovations and ability to make progress. We are doing our part. Do yours! Ignore a basher! Do not answer them. Start a new string. Let the lunatics ramble on in their own cyber asylum. Do not give them the audience. Make Dave's cronies earn a living! Alerts
If you are reading this message on a web site you can subscribe to our opt in list at and get these alerts delivered to your email inbox on a timely basis. You can also read old archived ALERTS on How do we know this info? Is it speculation? No it's based on our research and primarily in discussions directly with the company or their agents.
EVDR Merger is done! We are surprised company has not made the announcement?! July 1 is Canada Day and July 4th is Independence Day in USA. Kind of tricky to predict what date management will make the announcement. Serious money behind EVDR. A good chunk of float (that was about to hit the books) purchased by a company insider / backer from the stakeholder Videolocity. Also awareness campaign paid for by cash!!

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