Ok... here's my comment for today:
Today, after seeing Risicare/whistles posts in Hubville... including a personal attack... I submitted TOSs to Hubville ADMIN informing them that,,,
in addition to occasional submissions to the SEC demanding that they clean up the SMB swamps like Hubville where LIES can be posted without consequence...
I have begun to lobby both federal elected reps (Congressman & BOTH Senators) as well as a state rep & senator asking for harsher laws against online libel that costs innocent retail investors money when malicious attacks can be made with impunity.
Of the 5 elected officials mentioned, 3 are personal friends so my comments are not brushed aside as a faceless constituent. I may not be able to move the mountain alone, but perhaps a few others here KNOW elected officials from your area and can register complaints about Hubville & other SMBs and laws about online malicious libel can be tightened to get the likes of scion and the others gaming the system to destroy companies so easily.