Sept. 25, 2012 Hollund announced that the Company anticipates exceeding its share retirement plans with management's next share reduction – expected to put the total retired shares from the company's issued and outstanding to about 4 Billion common shares.
"Given our year end goal to reduce the issued and outstanding share count by 3.5 Billion, having already retired over 2.5 Billion common shares to date, places us very close to exceeding our year end goal almost one quarter early," stated Peter Meier, President of Hollund. "With our shareholder conference call scheduled for week's end, we expect this accomplishment to be just one of a couple exciting surprises."
To date, Hollund's management has successfully retired approximately 30% of its original issued and outstanding shares. Management has indicated that the company's motivation to this regard rests in anticipated opportunities. Executives suggest such events may positively evolve the company, "strengthening the core of our value," continued Meier. "Be it in our reporting status, attained assets, projected revenues or exhilarated growth propositions, having a much tighter cap structure, without the undue use of a reverse split, we believe is best for all shareholders; and that is who we ultimately work for."