Aug. 29, 2012 Hollund announced that management has effectively retired over 2.5 Billion shares from Hollund's Issued and Outstanding share count, putting the company's Dilution Reform Program (share reduction plan) on target to meet expectations of a total reduction of at least 3.5 Billion common shares by year end.
"There is no doubt in the mind of this management that we will indeed hit our target reduction numbers," stated Peter Meier, President of Hollund. "We are way ahead of schedule. And given the current positive state of affairs transpiring at Hollund, we anticipate the possibility of achieving reductions in excess of 40% - essentially restructuring our cap table without reversing a single share."
People close to the company believe that Hollund could possibly achieve a reduction of common shares so substantial, that the eventual numbers could reflect an issued and outstanding share count closer to below 4 Billion shares. "We believe that if we are successful at hitting our numbers, Hollund's shareholders will recognize our diligence and show us continued support and ongoing consideration," concluded Meier.