Yes FB, CC, YHOO, and ICPA may be a domino play IMO. Several of you have asked questions since my prior post, and I want to respond here. How did I know Al Nelson was going to LA to view Shark Tank viewing? I follow him and the key ICPA/EZ VIP players on Twitter. He told us.
What does the FB/YHOO deal mean to ICPA. CC will have a monster infrastructure with the ICPA partnership. Not only airports, but also now a TV network, where companies and individuals can create their own shows. Next, add the FB/YHOO alliance and the potential exists for all of their users to have access to Punch features. Youtube is nice, but imagine being able to have a TV weekly series or seven on your Facebook or Yahoo page. Remember the fall of MySpace? Hello Google. Steve is getting ready to redefine advertising and social media. IMO
June 28, 2012 Clear Channel and Yahoo:
Facebook and Yahoo:
Now the sleeper and falling dominoes. When Steve announced the Punch news during the interview, he told us he was taking the PunchTV Network CEO to meet CC on the coming Thursday. He ahs yet to tell us what happened at that meeting, but he has closed the deal and CC connected with YHOO. Now, YHOO report on 7/17 and CC reports on 8/2. Personal opinion is our wildest dreams are still ground level to what Steve is orchestrating. The Honey Badger is going cobra hunting.
Again, this is all speculation, personal opinion, and maybe just a pipe dream. But then, Arbuckle thought he was over thinking when he picking up on Steve going to Shark Tank. Not so much.
Take care and get your advice, DD, and all the other things that make your decision your decision.