I am certainly no stock Guru, and even further removed from the Bio Pharma scene. I am a business owner and i have been trying to put myself in the place of Koos, Ive studied like a mad man the FDA concept and i have realized this:
We are churning like crazy right now as strong hands with a longer term vision chase out flippers. ( just gauging level 2 transactions.)
No entity in this world can second guess the FDA! We cant even fathom the paperwork and data involved to get something like this started. Painstakingly slow...
I definitely think that last PR was a attempt to be transparent, and i agree with many others that they have over shot results so as to come in under time or at least on time.
Im tired of idiots yelling Dilution! How else do you fund a start-up
Everyone of us on here has maintained that we are long and strong, so lets quit watching daily, set your sells and wake up one morning rich. These boards will agonizingly kill you, like watching paint dry!
Also, Parris Hilton is a idiot and Keepin-Eye is a loser, neither one could pay for a new roll of toilet paper to wipe there sorry asses! I feel better!
To all that read this, i hope like hell that we all meet for a Martini in a obscenely expensive place and we toast BMSN!