Thanks for the report. I personally don't want to read its entire contents but in brief I want to know how Oceana can effect its contents in a Belizean court of law and how much that will "cost" TECO? I also want to know asap if Belize drilling will be shut down indefinitely? All I really care about is how all the above effects the PPS and what additional fodder will be supplied to the shorting crew. I assume the if's, and's and but's had to be known by Princess and the GOB and Treaty to have a collective response prepared at the time of the courts decision. IMO two responses could have been prepared ahead of time and one released depending on the verdict. I mean why rush to the "answer podium" when your stock has been shorted and bashed to death by the shorting hedgies for over four years. The shorters have made a small fortune while the longs suffer with huge losses. Why wouldn't Treaty want to be better prepared for this type of event? IMO they are niave' to think the PPS is subpenny simply due to non-performance but IMO it has a lot to due with ongoing shorting manipulators while supportive business fundamentals are non-existent. If a micro-cap company doesn't have the fundamentals to support the PPS then isn't it a good idea to PR progress in a manner that gets the attention of the market? I remember a time when TECO PR'd purchasing parts for the Belize drilling rig. They don't seem to have a clue how to handle the manipulation and ongoing attacks and/or they just have a piss poor defense and their letting the shorters win. It's very simple; don't PR your going to pump oil and then do the opposite i.e. don't pump oil during entire 2012 and then have an event like this add fuel to the fire. What happens if TECO has one more disappointment before they have success? I'll chase the PPS for above reasons.