Your lowering your cost average now? You have big balls my man but the best of luck to you! I will be chasing first! Even if I can't tag the PPS until .015's on the way back up; I still consider them to be historical lows but the risks will be far less on the retrace compared to buying right now. Don't buy based on one post and a news article. What the hell is .0015/share in the big scheme of things anyways. I'm tired of seeing people burn't here. HOW MANY HERE ARE IN THE GREEN? I haven't heard one word about TECO's Belize drilling status or if we have oil shows at the proposed Belize payzones or if we have oil at Mitchell since TNC is two months behind. We've had a couple of tankers come off the Brown via photos. We've had expenses up the arse and a falling PPS. I think I'll travel to Maryland or Connecticut first and play some Blackjack! Better odds!