You conveniently left off the beginning of my statement.
I stated, "when ~20M "shares" are "traded" in a PK stock on any given day, the PPS is MEANINGLESS..."
Remember at the time, RFMK stock had an A/S of 2B shares so if ~20M shares "trade" on any given day that is a mere 1% of the total shares "trading" (not even sure if any unique participants are trading). I was making a point about daily volume versus the importance we place on the spot PPS at that time, I was not speaking about overall long term performance of the chart. Now the A/S is 5B so my original point makes even more sense. Down 12% today so far on ~4M shares out of 5B, 0.08% of the shares. There is a reason why long term investors consider VOLUME (short term and long term) into the price discovery (especially daily) versus why those who wish to hate on the stock and pick on investors only focus on the spot PPS at any given moment (no matter how much volume it took to print those prices). I suspect the manipulation will continue so long as this company is unknown and retail investors stay away because of any lack of corporate performance. It is quite easy to bash an unknown micro cap PK stock and pound the table about the ongoing dilution every day (laughing at investors), it is more difficult to actually risk capital over the long term by "investing" in a development stage company. ehhh?
The dark side clouds everything. You must unlearn what you have learned.