You are welcome Integracer02.
I would like to direct attention to Junebugs post #2225 this morning:
I'm about to head out for the hospital and my procedure. But I feel I need to have my guestion answered when I return. I specifically asked Jason yesterday did himr have a Tigerlynk-he said no. I asked him what about the prototype in Brazil-he stammered around and finally said well, that one can't be used. Now if there is no tigerlynk anywhere, we are talking awhile till we are prepared to cut timber. And with no Tigerlynk, we have absolutely nothing. We can research share structure and Heritage and Kins Domain till the cows come home, but it is all futile without a Tigerlynk. Could someone tell me the status of where we are with the Tigerlynk-are we going to start from scratch and build one? If so, then we really are in for a long wait for a price rise. No Tigerlynk, no underwater tree harvesting, no revenue, no PPS increase, and one unhappy shareholder here. Talk later. Have a good and blessed day everyone. JB
The above post from Junebug seems to be in conflict with a prior post by GM, which stated that Jason informed him the prototype TigerLynk was sitting in Brazil in storage.
Now I must first say that I do not know the exact context of either conversation, and that is critical if we are to understand the meaning. However, if Junebug asked specifically about the use of the prototype "immediately," that could or might explain why the comment was made that it was "unavailable." Also, I suggested in an earlier post that the prototype would likely need modifications since its first deployment because we know the software for the manipulation system has had improvements, and additional sections might be needed for greater depth. This is all just speculation on my part, but it could explain the differences in the two responses.