If FNMA goes private - read that report
FNMA goes to be a private company
A Blueprint for Housing Reform in America
on Millstein's report:
"Market Cap
New Fannie $ 108 billion
Government ownership: 85%
p.14, at the bottom
This goes beyond the 79,99% warrants
Leaves the existing common shares with 15%.
Fannie Mae has 1,158,072,058 shares.
15% of $ 108 billion is $ 16 billion, that's $ 13.8/share.
He left out:
1.the putbacks/lawsuits,
2.the part of the reserves that can be reversed,
3.the deferred tax-assets.
Upside from the current price level:
Preferreds +1,462%
Commons +4,828% +4,828% (Fannie);