Mayhem, often that is the only way any of this wrong doing is ever legally uncovered, i.e., when one turns on the other. If just one of the group is willing to spill the beans, the others are all shaking in their boots at this moment. I have posted before on this forum as well as others that once when I called William asking why he thought the stock price was dropping after what appeared to be a very good press release, he responded by saying "one can make money both when the stock goes up and when it comes down."
I was speachless when William made that comment, and just listen in silence for a while. We ended our phone conversation, and then I thought about the implications and meaning of those words. In retrospect, they could only have one meaning. William was bragging in a roundabout way that he was still making money, but by shorting his own company's stock (MMTE). Today, we have further allegations of William shorting his own company's stock, but this time it is BOPT.
Maybe someone should take notice.