Last year, due to these relentless attacks ( legally or illegally) from the shorters, PNCH was suffering a 95 %+ decline in ssp. It had been brutal for us. Anyone bought PNCH stocks after reaching $0.058 high last April, would lose money. The reason is that ICPA/PNCH had very little income coming in. So MM and shorters can relentlessly short ICPA stock to near death ($.0025) without any fear at all. Now this year is very different, advertising money is starting to coming in, PNCH is thriving, shorters would not dare to short PNCH anymore, or at least feeling reluctant to short a thriving PNCH. Thus buy and hold strategy didn’t work at all last year; Pumpers were all wrong and bashers prevailed. Now this year buy and hold should be the correct strategy to follow. Shorters will be burned to death.
So just hanging on to your PNCH stocks a few more years or on long term, you would be rewarded financially. All in my humble opinion only, my 2 cents.