You are welcome...I am a novice investor and I understand your anxiety. The success of HLNT may very well be life changing for many of us. My visit was March 21, along with other investors that came to Springdale. I walked away that day knowing I had been played by various posters, not Chad and HLNT. When you see the product, you also understand all of the bashing, I would have to say there are many who would like to get their hands on this product/technology. They are working very hard to advance this technology and have come a long way in two years. An NDA/No Compete Form was signed because we saw the product, how it works, taken apart, etc. I had no problem with that. Chad knows he has a product with huge potential...so do others. He could not go into detail or give the name(s) of companies that are currently testing and/or purchasing the product. But there is a lot of interest. IMO, the testing and fine tuning of the product has been ongoing until recent, and of course never will cease. There will hopefully always be advancement in the technology. I wish I could produce that "Fleet Deal" PR...but I cannot and, like all, are waiting patiently for news. Please use my post however you please. Hopefully I did not say too much. And a word to the wise, be careful who you listen to on these boards. The whole IHUB thing is obviously choreographed...how big is the "family" I do not know. Huge potential here, and hopefully success.